Taiwanese Braised Pork Belly 台式滷肉

If there is one dish all Taiwanese people cook after they move abroad, it is Taiwanese Braised Pork Belly. The glittering pork skins with a sauce you can eat a whole bowl of rice with - it is the dish that pops up into our mind when we are craving something Taiwanese. It is the dish that smells like home.

I didn’t actually learn how to cook this dish at home though. It is probably one of those things that you learn naturally without knowing, also I call my grandma every Saturday and she might have given me some guides on cooking every now and then.

There are, obviously for such a national dish, thousands of different recipes. Mine one here is rather simple, but tasty nevertheless. My grandma doesn’t use much spice/herb in hers, although she does shallow fry green onions in oil first to make fried green onion oil to use in the dish.

This dish is usually served with rice, and I normally make some pickled cucumber (quick pickle with salt, sugar, rice vinegar and chilli) to go with this fatty, indulgent dish.

And here is the recipe…


  • 500 g pork belly (skin on)

  • 15 g Muscovado sugar, or other kinds of brown sugar

  • 50 ml soy sauce (amount depends on how salty your soy sauce is - mine is dark soy sauce therefore quite salty)

  • 200 ml water (or more; to almost submerge the pork belly)

  • 3 large pieces of garlic, peeled

  • 3 sliced ginger

  • 2 star anise

  • 1 tsp Sichuan pepper corn

  • 1 tsp fennel seed

  • corn starch (optional; to thicken the sauce)

  • spring onion, to serve


  1. Chop pork belly into cubes of desired size.

  2. Heat up oil in a cast iron pot on medium heat, when the oil is hot, put pork belly skin side down into the pot. Stir and cook until coloured.

  3. Make caramel: Put sugar into a small clean pot on medium low heat. Do not stir, wait patiently until sugar starts to dissolve. You can swirl the pot gently to speed up the process. Add 1 tablespoon of water when sugar is completely dissolved, cook until brown and bubbling, turn off the heat and pour the caramel on pork belly, mix well on medium heat.

  4. Put Sichaun pepper corn and fennel seeds in a tea bag.

  5. Add soy sauce and water to pork belly, then add in garlic, ginger, star anise and the spice tea bag.

  6. Once the sauce is boiled, turn the heat down to the lowest, and let it simmer with lid on for 30 mins. After 30 mins, turn off the heat but do not take off the lid. Let it sit for at least 3 hours, or overnight if possible.

  7. Before serving: Discard garlic, star anise and the spice tea bag. Heat up the pork belly and sauce, cook the sauce to desired consistency, taste and season. If you prefer thicker sauce, you can take the pork belly out and thicken the sauce with some corn starch (dissolved in a bit of cold water first).







  • 500 公克 帶皮豬五花

  • 15 公克 黑糖

  • 50 毫升 醬油(依據醬油鹹度做調整,我用的醬油蠻鹹的)

  • 200 毫升 水(差不多蓋住豬肉)

  • 3 瓣 大顆大蒜,去皮

  • 3 片 薑片

  • 2 顆 八角

  • 1 茶匙 花椒

  • 1 茶匙 茴香籽

  • 玉米粉 或 太白粉(如果想要讓醬汁更濃稠)

  • 蔥花(最後可撒上)


  1. 豬五花切成喜歡的大小的塊狀。

  2. 鑄鐵鍋中火熱油,油熱之後將豬肉皮朝下放入,先煎皮,再拌炒上色。

  3. 煮焦糖:黑糖放入一個乾淨的小鍋中,中小火加熱,不要攪拌,耐心等待唐融化。待糖開始融化時,可以輕輕搖晃鍋子加速融化其他未融化的糖。等到黑糖完全溶解,加入一大匙的水,煮到顏色變深且冒泡後,關火,將焦糖倒在豬五花上,中火拌炒均勻。

  4. 準備一個茶包袋,裝入花椒和茴香籽。

  5. 豬五花鍋中加入醬油和水,再加入大蒜、薑片、八角和香料袋。

  6. 等到醬汁煮滾,將火轉到最小,蓋上鍋子燉煮三十分鐘。三十分鐘後,關火但不要掀蓋,靜置至少三小時。

  7. 食用前:取出並丟棄大蒜、八角和香料袋。加熱滷肉和滷肉醬汁,將醬汁煮到你喜歡的稠度,測試鹹度並調味。如果喜歡很濃稠的醬汁,可以先將肉取出,先用冷水融玉米粉或太白粉再加入醬汁中。


Portuguese Salt Cod and Potato Casserole with Molho Cru 葡萄牙鹽漬鱈魚馬鈴薯派佐荷蘭芹油醋醬


Smoky Roasted Pepper & Vegan Sausage Ragu 煙燻味烤甜椒香腸肉醬